Monday, July 29, 2013

Clover and Beetle

We're moving our operation from The Sprout to Clover and Beetle.

Follow this link to check it out!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

East Matunuck Beach

On Monday, Madeline watered the garden.

On Tuesday, she ate the first pepper from the garden!

And she wore special pajamas.

On Friday, we played with Elmo and Bubby Bear.

Today, we went to East Matunuck Beach!  Although the meteorologists assured us that there was a 0% chance of rain there this morning, when we arrived it was in the 60s and pouring.  Luckily, the skies cleared up quickly and it turned out to be absolutely perfect for swimming!

The weather was also perfect for playing in the sand.

And for eating a picnic lunch.

All in all, we had fun!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Garden, bubbles, swimming, playing, dinosaurs, 29 months, and Connecticut

On July 5, Madeline watered the garden.

On July 6, we blew bubbles!

On July 9, we had our first swim class of the season.

It was something of a disaster.  Madeline cried for most of it, enjoying only the part where she slid into the pool along with "Humpty Dumpty" and "Jack Be Nimble."

On July 12, Madeline was silly!

Yesterday, Madeline performed checkups on her parents, Petey, and various stuffed animals.

Then we went to the Rhode Island Convention Center for Discover the Dinosaurs!  Madeline usually loves Triceratops, but she found this animatronic one (and the Kosmoceratops in the background) a little scary.

The Apatosaurus was a little less scary.

And this -- whatever exactly it's supposed to be -- less scary still.

Somehow, though, Madeline seemed to find sitting inside a giant Tyrannosaurus mouth to be the least scary part of the whole thing.

All in all, we were a bit disappointed in Discover the Dinosaurs, where the educational value was low and the wallet-draining potential was high -- but we still had fun.

And it's always interesting being downtown on a weekday.  [ed.: I meant weekend -- oops!]

Later yesterday, we played with blocks.

Today, Madeline turned 29 months old!

And we went to Connecticut to visit Lauren, Dan, and Maggie.  Madeline just loves Maggie.

We hung out, got some food, and went for a walk in the park.

Then we topped off the day with ice cream.

We made it home in time for a dinner of leftovers, a bath, and bedtime.

Madeline has been very interested in her brother, whom she calls Beetle, and who will be joining us soon in the outside world.  She likes to sing for him (here, snippets of "Mr. Sun," the state song, and some things she seems to have made up):

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Fourth of July

Yesterday, we left work early, donned swimsuits ...

... and paid our first visit to our neighborhood pool.

The pool is huge, and Madeline loved it!  There's a section that's bigger than most whole pools and all 2 feet deep, meaning Madeline could walk around with her head above water.  She did this giddily.  She also enjoyed hitching a ride with her parents from time to time.

Swimming made Madeline so hungry that she devoured two whole nectarines afterward.

This morning, I read most of the Declaration of Independence aloud to Summer and Madeline (omitting the list of grievances).  Then we dressed in red, white, and blue and went to the Humboldt Avenue playground.  Madeline spent much of her time in this red car.

But we also played with other things.

Soon, Ilan and his parents joined us.  There was more playing, and then we all got lunch together.  After an adorable goodbye hug between the two kiddos, we hauled a very sleepy Madeline home for a late nap.

The Fourth of July wouldn't be complete without grilling.  Our earlier outing ran too late for me to smoke the country-style pork ribs, so I prepped some bacon-wrapped chicken tenders instead.  And as I manned my station, Madeline watered the vegetables ...

... and played with dinosaurs.

Our very American bacon-wrapped, barbecue-sauced chicken was delicious.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sand Hill Cove

After a busy few weeks, we gave Madeline a break from pictures during the week.

Saturday, however, the camera came back out.  In the morning, we worked on some projects.

In the afternoon, we went to the beach!

Sand Hill Cove, to be exact.  Madeline was very interested in the rocks (she gathered all of them within a 50-foot radius of the spot where we set up), and she enjoyed burying my right foot.

But the ocean made her downright giddy.

She liked to throw her rock into the water.

And she liked to retrieve it.

And she liked to run in and out with the surf like a sandpiper.

After all that running, we needed to eat some clams.

Madeline loved them.

Sunday was a bit more relaxed.  I did yard work, we played in the yard with dinosaurs and a basketball, and we ate food from our garden.

Ah, summer.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Marc, Nanny & Pop Pop

Last Monday, Madeline played with her presents from Uncle Marc -- Finnegan (whom she calls Gilligan) and Sheepy.

Monday night, after she went to bed, there was a spectacular rainbow!


Tuesday involved more playing.  Madeline really enjoys monsters (see the end of this post).

Wednesday was a bit calmer.  Madeline loved having Uncle Marc read to her.

But Thursday, Marc had to leave.

He and Madeline got in some last minute bonding before his morning departure.

And we took the obligatory posed shot.

And before school, we deposited Marc at the train station then fielded questions from Madeline: "Uncle Marc's going on a trip?  He's going to Minnesota?"

Then Friday, Nanny and Pop Pop came to town!  Madeline checked out the vegetables growing in our garden when she wasn't helping me grill.  She also found a worm -- "That's a nice worm. That's my friend worm." -- in the garden.

At bed time, Madeline was enthralled with the books Nanny and Pop Pop gave her.  Dr. Duck has proved to be a particular favorite (Nanny and Pop Pop each read it at least once, and we read it twice tonight, too).

Saturday morning, after Madeline's standard sing-song "Daddy, open the door; come get me!," she announced, "I want to go downstairs and see Nanny and Pop Pop."  So we did, and I made breakfast, and then we relaxed in the yard.

We played with dinosaurs, too.

After a while, Madeline announced, "Time to go inside, everyone. I'm all done with outside."  We complied but ended up back outside during her nap.

Later, inside, Pop Pop helped Madeline give her bears checkups.

Nanny and Pop Pop also gave Madeline a crib and some other accessories for her baby doll.  Madeline especially enjoyed the toy diaper cream tube, which she has used to treat imaginary diaper rash on both the baby doll and her Bubby Bear.

Last night at bedtime, there was more reading (of Dr. Duck, of course).

Today, after brunch and some more playing, Nanny and Pop Pop read Madeline more books at naptime.

Look closely: as you can see, Pop Pop is reading Dr. Duck.

After books, Madeline said her goodbyes.  And while Madeline slept, Nanny and Pop Pop took the train back to Delaware.

When Madeline woke up, asking about Nanny and Pop Pop and the train to Delaware, the day was hot but she wanted to spend time outside.

So we set up a sprinkler that Grandpa John and Grandma Susy had brought two weekends ago.

We had fun.

Then, again, Madeline announced, "I'm all done with outside.  Time to go inside."  So we did.

During her bath tonight, Madeline made water and chocolate chip soup.  Then she told me, "There's a monster in the bath with me."  I asked her about the monster and learned that it was originally green but then turned pink and later settled on red.  It had two eyes, one nose, two teeth, ears shaped like circles, and no horns or fur or scales.  It was a nice monster, not a scary one.  And most importantly, it was filled with chocolate chips and was bite-sized.  Before she got out of the bath, Madeline ate the monster.

Finally, Madeline asked me three times today after Nanny and Pop Pop's departure to sing her "the state song" -- a song every Tatnall child learns (or did in my day) that lists all the states in alphabetical order.  It occurs to me now that maybe Grandma Mandy's flight to Oregon, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John's drive to Delaware, Uncle Marc's train to Massachusetts and flight to Minnesota, and Nanny and Pop Pop's train to Delaware might have prompted this interest in state names.