Saturday, May 5, 2012

Farmer's market, store, park, RISD sale, block party, playground, phew!

Today was very busy.  This morning Madeline and I had adventures while Summer did some work.  We went to the indoor farmer's market (two weeks 'til the outdoor one begins!), to the grocery store, and to part of Blackstone Park.  Madeline spent quite a bit of time here:

At the grocery store we got lunch, which we then ate on a bench at the park.  Here Madeline's pointing to the potato salad, asking for more.

She enjoyed our picnic overlooking the river.

Eating on a bench is fun!

We had some visitors, too.  A nice man brought along some dogs for Madeline to pet, and a mail carrier passing by prompted this wave and a loud "hi!"

After lunch, we explored.  We followed a robin as it hopped from a low branch to the ground and then high into a tree.  At that point we switched to a bumble bee tumbling along among the clover.  Madeline also found her usual sticks and debris.  She announced to me that the one in her right hand in this picture was a "tree."

In the early afternoon we returned home.  Madeline requested, and was granted, lots of tickles.

Our day was far from over.  The three of us went out to the tail end of the RISD student and alumni art sale.  Madeline spent her time there obsessed with all the dogs wandering among the crowd.

Then we walked downtown, where there was a Cinco de Mayo block party underway!  Summer took this picture en route.

We listened to mariachi music and had tacos from a truck, but Madeline was anxious to run around, and downtown's not the best place for a toddler.

So we proceeded to the Humboldt Avenue playground, where we ran into James and parents, and Ilan (a friend from daycare) and father, and we were also joined by Sara and Jesse and puppy Davis.  It was a regular party!  Until Madeline slid off the playground dolphin and suffered her first significant scrape, on her chin.  Sad!

We cleaned it up and headed home, where Madeline happily noshed on crackers and cheese and apple slices before bed.  It doesn't seem she's too traumatized by her scrape -- phew.

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