Today was low-key. Not much happened, so I'll just share some pictures and observations rather than attempt a narrative.
Madeline spent most of the day happy.

She didn't roll over (and over and over) as she's been doing lately, but she did spend a lot of time grabbing her feet.

And when she wasn't grabbing her feet, she was clutching whichever toy was nearest, hugging it with all four limbs (and her mouth), and flopping back and forth.
She took a couple of successful crib naps, but I came into the nursery at the end of one nap to find that she'd rotated 180 degrees -- odd.

We spent some time on the floor. I thought she'd be interested to see a sampling of things one can do while prone -- airplanes, bridges, crawling, and the like. She was not just interested but actually excited. So we moved outside to a stage more amenable to large-person rolling around.

Her favorite part of our time outside was spent propped up on my outstretched arm. She investigated the lawn, taking particular interest in a white clover flower that I think she was trying to reach. She came up with foot- and handfuls of grass instead.

Her favorite part of the day, though, was discovering the sort of hard, sustained, vibrating "b" sound that one makes in order to play brass instruments. She made the sound and smiled, then made it again and smiled bigger. When I made the sound back, she
exploded with happiness. (Scroll down to the bottom of the link for the relevant image.) The back-and-forth of sounds, smiles, and happiness explosions continued for quite a while.
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