Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thunderstorm Thursday

Exactly a year ago (when Sprout truly was a very little Sprout), I found that I was pregnant. What a crazy year it's been since then!

Now we have a rambunctious almost 4 month old! Today Madeline was great with her naps--3 naps in the crib (Jewel lullaby CD for the win!) and one in the swing with no fussing. We did lots of play on the floor in the (thankfully) air conditioned living room.

Some observations:

She rolled over back to front several times. Once she was on her front she would get very frustrated--I think with the realization that she still can't crawl.

She loves to hold on to her feet.

I love watching her interact with her toys now. Sometimes she will find a toy that she's interested in and really work to get to it (scooting her body around or rolling). Once she has a toy in her grasp she can manipulate it pretty adeptly (usually she's trying to get it in her mouth). It's great fun to watch, and I marvel at how quickly her motor skills are developing. Just a few weeks ago she could barely hold onto a toy.

She does this weird thing now where she likes to hold up one (or both) of her fists straight up in the air. I like to think that she wants to fist bump me--"girl power!" or something, but she does it for Max too so it's probably not that.

I tried to read her three books today and, much to my chagrin, she protested all three. Max had a similar experience when he came home. Maybe she wants to concentrate on working on those motor skills? I hope she goes back to liking her books!

We had a fun adventure picking up Max from work in a thunderstorm. She was a real trooper in the car, though, and seemed enthralled by the rain and lightening. She isn't afraid of thunder (unlike Petey!).

She was a little grumpy when Max got home, which was too bad because she was pretty delightful during the day. She must have been tired, despite all those naps, because she went to bed quite easily.

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