Monday, January 16, 2012

Lots of fun things

Today we did lots of fun things.

We had banana pancakes for breakfast.

We went to Thayer Street and saw Freaky the Scary Snowman (with whom Summer is well acquainted -- fast forward to 0:56 or so).

We went to the Natural History Museum (the only place that I documented adequately).  This was Madeline's first time there extra-utero.  She wasn't sure about the tiny, old-fashioned elevator.

But she did like the animals.

And she liked the replica Saturn probe perhaps even more.

Next up was the zoo.  Many of the animals seem to like the cold.  The red pandas were frisking about, and the snow leopard was downright social with us.

Then we came home and spent the rest of the evening winding down.  We visited with Uncle Alex on the other side of the country, and Madeline again staunchly protested an afternoon nap.  So it was right to bed after dinner for her.

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