Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weekend away

On Saturday, Summer and I went here:

It was our first weekend away from Madeline, but we saw reminders of her everywhere.

We wandered around town and up Wildcat Brook to the top of Jackson Falls.

While Summer and I were two states away, Madeline was with Grandma Susy and Grandpa John, having a grand old time.

On Sunday, Madeline and her grandparents went for a walk at Fisherville Brook ...

... and found flowers!

For our part, Summer and I hiked along Bemis Brook to Arethusa Falls -- a bit more of an adventure than our Jackson Falls jaunt.

We took a well-deserved rest at the base of the falls.

Grandparental reports indicate that Madeline walked much of the Fisherville Brook trail by the power of her own two little legs, so she took a well-deserved rest too -- perched on her new bug chair in our back yard.

On Monday, our last day away, Summer and I visited the base of Mount Washington but did not drive up -- the road was open only to motorcycles that day.  Instead, we admired the mountains and then headed home.

When we arrived, we played with dinosaurs.

Then on Tuesday, after early morning farewells, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John returned to Delaware, Madeline returned to day care, and Summer and I returned to work.

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