Sunday, June 2, 2013

New things, Urban Pond Procession, first haircut!

Here are lots of pictures for you!

Thursday evening, Madeline gave baby Sophie a checkup.

Friday morning, Madeline found a new toy storage system in the family room.  She wasn't sure what to make of it, other than the certainty that she wanted to remove every toy from every bin immediately.

After work and school, I made guacamole and we ate it out in the sunshine.

We ate dinner outside, too.

Saturday morning, we attended the Urban Pond Procession.  Designed to teach children about polluted waters and teach them the power of small actions to address this pollution, the procession featured over-the-top skits, fish costumes, flags, drums, and lots of walking under the hot hot sun.

Madeline was told there would be monsters, and asked at each stop along the way when we would see them.  "I want monsters!" she'd exclaim.  "We'll find them soon.  How many do you think there'll be?"  "Two!  I want to see two monsters!" she'd answer.

Soon enough, there they were!  And there were at least six.

Madeline watched the ceremonies -- and the monsters -- raptly.

They culminated in the removal of another monster -- the symbolic Mashapaug Monster -- from the pond.

On our way back to the car, we stopped to say hi to one of the monsters.  It offered Madeline a tentacle to shake or high five, but she shied away.  I shook the proffered tentacle instead.  Later, Madeline said, "I want to give the monster a hug!"  But alas! it was too late.

The cure for lots of walking in the hot, hot sun is lots of splashing in a shaded kiddie pool.

Unfortunately, our pool seems to have sprung an air leak somewhere.  It still satisfied Madeline, though.

She also helped me to water our plants.

And we closed out the day with a fun bath.

Today a craigslist seller delivered us a new glider for downstairs.

More importantly, we decided it was time for Madeline's first haircut!

She maintained a serious face through the whole experience -- not upset or concerned, but a look of deep concentration.

Afterward she got a special toy duck.

She also got a braid tied with a special ribbon, but the ribbon blew away in the wind when we visited Pawtuxet Village in a futile search for a snack.

The braid remained, however, and we snacked on popcorn at home.

It was another fun weekend.

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