Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Boulevard

Today was lovely again, so we went for a stroll up Blackstone Boulevard. We intended to visit Three Sisters and perhaps to get ice cream, but I found myself questioning that plan due to the wind.

Nevertheless, we proceeded northward. Our progress came in fits and starts. Folks stopped us to admire and chat about Sprout. Also, my shoe kept coming undone. Summer tried to tie it first, but I took the second stab at it.

When we got to Three Sisters, we found that it had just closed for the evening. Undeterred, we turned south on Hope Street, appropriately hoping that Seven Stars Bakery would be open.

What luck! Seven Stars was not only open, but also well-stocked with their incomparable almond-chocolate croissants. Summer and I each got one, plus some hot drinks to warm us on the walk home (and a loaf of cheese bread, too). We also paused to admire one of the sculptures that popped up recently, part of an effort to spruce up Hope.

The walk back took us past the Rochambeau branch of the Providence Community Library. Sprout's first view of a library was, happily, of a very good one. I spent many hours here studying for my bar exams, and have availed myself of its ample literary resources as well as its charming facilities. An interesting note: though the PCL is very much public, it is definitely not to be confused with the Providence Public Library; though they were once united, they are now mortal enemies. More on that here.

As we neared home, and just as we began to pass by Sprout's future day care, she loudly declared that she'd had enough of this walking business. Soon she protested loudly enough that we felt compelled to remove her from her wrap. Thankfully, this did the trick. And when we were home, in short order, she appeared angelic once again ...

... and returned to making funny, rather than horribly unhappy, faces.

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