Summer had a productive morning, but for the rest of us the day didn't really begin until she brought us back donuts after her outing. Before that there were only blear, pajamas, coffee, and a mostly sleepy Madeline. Even once the donuts arrived, grandma's attention remained on the sacked-out Sproutling in her arms.

But the influx of sugar into the room must have woken Madeline. She and Summer played two breathing games: the
original imitative one, and a new one where Summer blows on Madeline's face and Madeline sharply and happily inhales with a squeak.

In fact, Madeline seemed to do most things happily today. Her smiles are ever less transient, too. We came closer than usual to capturing the elusive big-smile.

We'll probably get it soon!
Eventually, we all determined that our sugar-and-caffeine intake would have to be supplemented with actual sustenance. Sun and sandwiches beckoned, so we walked up the Boulevard to
Three Sisters. Madeline started the walk wide-eyed and seemingly drinking in details, but fell asleep after five minutes or so. The world is maybe even more overwhelming when you're able to start taking it in in earnest.
We stopped at Lippitt Memorial Park for a few pictures, both posed ...

... and spontaneously admiring Madeline.

At Three Sisters, staff and patrons seemed charmed by Madeline; she was called a doll. One fellow mom stopped to talk shop with Summer. We then settled in and talked amongst ourselves. Madeline stirred once, necessitating removal from her wrap to stave off a cry. But she lazed then in the crook of my left arm.

So we enjoyed a peaceful stopover at a pleasant coffee shop and ate delicious sandwiches as Madeline remained cooperatively conked.

We walked home via Hope, always a good way to stoke optimism. Such a happy baby doesn't hurt the good spirits, either.
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