Saturday, January 14, 2012

Eleven months!

It's Madeline's 11-month birthday!  Here are all the past chair pictures, and here are today's:

Yesterday her belated Christmas present from us arrived; today she got to play with it for the first time.  Ooo.

She took a break for a blueberry-pancake breakfast.

And then, later this morning, grandma and grandpa came!

Madeline showed off her skills with her new toy.

It was a cold but beautiful day, so we went for a little hike at Sachuest Point.

Everyone we ran into was especially excited about a snowy owl hanging out on an off-shore rock.  Apparently, they're everywhere in the continental U.S. this year (though sources differ as to whether this is because of scarce or abundant food in the Arctic).

We, too, saw the owl, and then continued on our way.

We also saw several deer.

Madeline said, "What's the deal with those big animals out there?"

She was even more surprised when we could see one from the car in the parking lot.

We returned home, enjoyed some more of second-Christmas (grandma and grandpa had brought lots of gifts from Delaware family), and then came dinner and bed.  Tomorrow more fun is sure to follow.

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