Sunday, January 29, 2012

Save the Bay, Thames Street, "dinosaur"

Today, after a pancake breakfast, we went down to Newport to visit Save the Bay's Exploration Center and Aquarium.  Madeline met some seahorses ...

... played with a stuffed octopus ...

... appreciated some fish ...

... admired Spoticus the rare calico lobster ...

... and examined some seashells.

It was another beautiful blue day out ...

... so when we came back to the car ...

... we decided to go no further than Newport's famous Thames Street for a stroll and some lunch.

Back at home, Madeline played, she stalked the cats, she walked around the apartment while holding on with one hand to a single finger ...

... and, at dinner, she started saying "dinosaur."

We were quite excited about this development, especially as she correctly labeled several dinosaurs as exemplars of the word "dinosaur."

But later it turned out that she also identified other random objects as "dinosaur," too.  Even if she doesn't know quite what it means, that's a big word for a little sprout.  (I also could swear she said "stop sign" repeatedly as she looked out her looking-window, but further testing is needed.)

1 comment:

  1. I would love a video of her saying dinosaur!
