Saturday, January 28, 2012

Olga's, Colt, quasi-steps?

This morning we made it back to Olga's after a significant hiatus.  Madeline was glad for her toast.


After brunch we proceeded to Colt State Park in Bristol.  The day was beautiful: blue skies, bright sun, and clear, crisp air.

We found a nice spot and explored.

The spot featured, among other things, picnic tables ...

... sticks ...

... monkey balls (apparently actually the fruit of the American sweetgum) like the one Madeline's clutching here ...

... and a big tree ...

... with cool, gnarly roots.

Madeline napped on the way home.  She spent the rest of the afternoon playing and looking out her favorite window, pointing out cars driving by and people walking their dogs.

Then this evening before putting her down to bed, we managed to coax a few quasi-steps out of her!  She'd either take a single step and then drop to her butt, or she'd take three quick steps before hurtling forward.  She was quite pleased with this development (or at least with her parents' enthusiasm); we'll see if it carries over to tomorrow.

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