Saturday, August 25, 2012

An outdoor day

Still no charger, but I did take a few phone pictures today.

This morning, Madeline really wanted to go for a walk.  So we did!

She found a cattail that someone else had left at the edge of the wetlands, and she carried it for the whole walk.

We discovered that the wetlands path actually has a terminus by the baseball diamonds across the street from our house -- much more convenient than the route we've been taking.  Next we have to explore the path on the other side of the creek.

When we returned from our walk, we did some yard work. Madeline helped me pull up crabgrass and other weeds in the yard, while Summer mowed our little patch of backyard grass and pulled up some weeds from the gardens.

Madeline took a break in the shade ...

... and soon afterward took a nap.  After that, we ran some errands -- Home Depot, of course, and then a couple home-goods discounter-type stores.  I had intended to finish with the crabgrass, but by the time we were home I had to fire up the grill and get cooking.  We ate on the patio ...

... and kept an eye out for any birds that might be nibbling at the feeder we put up a couple days ago.  No luck yet, though the seed I scattered on the ground below the feeder is gone.

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