Saturday, August 4, 2012


We spent most of today on Carleton's campus, with Madeline exploring her parents' old haunts.  She'd been cooped up so much yesterday that today she was a near-tireless walker.

So along with Anna and Neal, we wandered in typical alumni style, reminiscing about this and that and noticing what's changed and what hasn't.

For her part, Madeline picked up cool sticks and leaves and rocks and such.

We saw a bunny.

It started to rain, and we took shelter in the Japanese garden.  Madeline decided she wanted to get wet anyway.

Dana met us at the garden, the rain stopped, and we proceeded.  Anna and Madeline admired a cicada.

Then we all admired Carleton's new Weitz Center for Creativity, which is housed in an artfully adapted old middle school.  Madeline found a dragon there.

And she strutted in a dance studio.

After that, we posed by the Carleton sign.

Some proper Northfieldian business followed, like lunch at Hogan Brothers and (after Madeline's nap) coffee at Goodbye Blue Monday.

Then it was time for Adam and Chelsea's wedding.

We all gathered 'round ...

... and sat quietly through a lovely ceremony.  After the weddings and receiving line came a few posed shots.

Then we walked back to the car ...

... pausing for more pictures.

The car took us just across campus for the reception.  On the way in to the reception hall, Madeline admired Carleton's unique mailboxes.

And at the reception, she posed for a picture with Taylor, her mouth smeared with delicious blackberry.

Summer had watched Madeline last night while I went to a gathering on Mai Fete, so tonight I took Madeline back to the hotel early (though we did make it through most of dinner) as Summer celebrated with our old friends.  All in all, it was a fine day.

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