Sunday, August 19, 2012

NY and back

Saturday was wedding day.  Here are Summer and Madeline at the hotel in the beautiful Hudson valley, just before the wedding.

And here's Madeline cutting a rug at the reception.

Today on our way home from New York, we stopped at Connecticut's Dinosaur State Park.  Madeline enjoyed the opportunity to stretch her legs just as much this time as she did last time.

We looked for frogs and turtles and snakes in the swamp, but didn't find any.

Madeline likes to sing about things she appreciates.  On the drive between Dinosaur State Park and home, she sang about tomatoes and apples ("'matos, 'matos, apples, apples, 'matos, 'matos, apples, apples").

She also asked today, "Why is trees?"

We went for a walk after dinner.  We returned to the wetlands near our house, this time wandering over in the evening with the bugs chirping and the frogs cthunking.  Madeline liked making frog noises and checking out the wildflowers.

Tomorrow it's back to the workweek for us.

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