Sunday, August 26, 2012

Yardwork & chicken

We spent most of today in our yard, too. This morning I added a border to our small backyard grass patch while Summer and Madeline played. Then while Madeline napped, I pulled up more crabgrass and Summer weeded a frontyard garden and planted irises.

When Madeline woke up from her nap, we made our first visit to a Rhode Island institution: Wright's Farm. Read up on the Rhode Island tradition of family-style chicken here.

After gorging ourselves, we returned home and finished up the front yard, cleaning up debris and sweeping the front walk. Then we brought out the sprinkler, partly to give the parched lawn a little drink, but more for Madeline's enjoyment. We didn't even have a chance to strip her down before she was frolicking in the water:

Then came bath (naturally) and bed.

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