Thursday, December 27, 2012


On Christmas Eve, Madeline tucked Jack in with some mini-blankets Grandma Mandy's friend Chris brought over.

And she helped make Christmas cookies by pushing the cookie cutters into Summer's gingerbread dough.  Impressively, she held onto the puffball cookie in her other hand through several such cookie cuttings.

And, after dinner, she savored some pumpkin pie.

On Christmas morning, Madeline didn't feel too well.

But she rebounded for the festivities.

After all, Christmas is exciting!

She warmed up for her stockings by combing Matt's hair ...

... and Marc's beard ...

... and her own hair too.

Then she noticed the stockings.

Matt helped her find the goodies inside.

Then Sarah helped her make good use of her new bubbles.

Madeline was especially excited that some of the bubbles burst on her feet.  "Feet wet!" she giggled.

Some of the day she was low-energy and mostly wanted cuddles ...

... but other times, she played crazy games like this one ...

... where she rushed from uncle to uncle, tackling each as she reached him.

After her nap -- and a visit from the Christmas candy-cane walrus ...

... it was time to open presents.

Madeline took to the task with gusto.

And she enjoyed her presents.

She even made a fine stew from her new toy people, using her new toy cookware.

Christmas dinner followed, and after that Madeline hoarded her new toys under the dining room table.

Yesterday we started off our day with a visit to a clinic to have Madeline checked out.

She was excited to see the doctor ...

... and it was a good thing we went, because it turns out Madeline has an ear infection.  Between the clinic and the pharmacy visit afterward, we didn't make it home until almost naptime.

Summer and I took advantage of the opportunity to sneak out and see Lincoln, and when we returned Madeline was having a dance party.

Today, so far, Madeline seems to be doing much better.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you! Looks like a wonderful Christmas for one and many playmates for Madeline and two cats besides. Have been thinking of you all alot and now have our fingers crossed for your trip back home. We hope that airports are all plowed and unfoggy and that the winds are soft and connections are made in a timely manner. We love you and appreciate your taking the time to include us in the holiday festivities. While little childless we, too, had a most delightful day with the food even better than usual. We decided we liked the almost no gift bit and I now know that I can still have Santa's spirit without putting out all my little versions of him..or decorating the Norfolk Pine...which would have been my fifth Christmas tree this year. Happy trip and Much Love...N
