Sunday, December 9, 2012

How festive!

This morning Madeline continued happily building block towers.

Then we went to an east-side playground to meet up with Ilan.

The little ones had lots of fun.

From Providence, we continued to Clarks Christmas Tree Farm in Tiverton to select a tree.  Madeline liked the little ones.

And she liked romping.

And she liked the horse and goats and chickens.

Eventually we found a tree.  Madeline held on tight to the twine to make sure the tree stayed put on top of the car.

At home, after a nap, Madeline helped trim the tree (which was too tall to fit where we'd intended to put it but did fit in the family room).

How festive!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! And what a helper you have ... I am sure that she knows that her holding the string is why that tree stayed on the car. By the way, your tree is a super pretty one. We are fussy about them and your's is a winner! Glad to see she likes blocks...they are such great toys. Looks like Petey does too :)
    xo N
