Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weekend with Geoff

Friday was picture day for Madeline at school, so we decided not to subject her to too much additional photography (even though she was pretty cute wrapped up in my sweater with socks on her hands).

Also on Friday, Geoff arrived!

On Saturday, we all had a big breakfast and then left Geoff to prep for an interview while the rest of us went to Ilan's house for a play date.  We forgot our camera, but Ilan's parents took some pictures that they'll probably share.  In any event, Madeline and Ilan had lots of fun playing, until naptime grew near and they became cranky, as toddlers will do.

Today the main event was a visit to Providence, with a focus on Brown's campus.  We all appreciated the rough and scratchy texture of the columns outside the Haffenreffer museum.

And we finally posed in front of the bear statue!

Madeline appreciated Brown's many pretend animals, this one most of all -- my beloved Marcus Aurelius statue ("Man on big horse!" and "Hi Marcus!  Hi Marcus on big horse!").

She also liked the eagle on the Brown veterans' memorial gate.  And she paused with Geoff to appreciate the still-changing colors of the leaves.

This new statue sprung up on campus, and Madeline loved dancing with the steel people!

Today, for some reason, Madeline was bleeding green -- she mandated that Summer sing her the Eagles' fight song ("Fly, Eagles, Fly") and generally offered support for her difficult-to-support team.  We'll see if the team rewards her for her spirit...

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