Sunday, December 30, 2012

Long Island & Ceci's wedding

Yesterday we found ourselves with Arturo on a ferry from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Long Island.

Madeline was both excited and a little nervous to be on such a big boat.

The occasion for our ferry ride was Ceci and Carlos's wedding!  Madeline was too excited about the upcoming dancing, and she never did take a proper nap.  Instead she read mini Maurice Sendak books.  She loves the whole set: Alligators All Around, Chicken Soup with Rice, One Was Johnny, and Pierre.

She also loves getting dressed up!

Madeline and Summer made quite a pair in their finery.

While we waited in the hotel lobby for Arturo, Madeline admired the ornaments on the Christmas tree there.

At the wedding venue (Flowerfield), the parents of the couple provided Madeline with a tiara, a book, and -- appropriately -- flowers.

But Madeline just wanted to walk around, to run around, and to dance.

The ceremony was very touching, and the reception was great fun with endless amazing food (we actually asked halfway through the appetizers -- which included a carving station and several pasta dishes, inter alia -- whether they were not, in fact, dinner) and dancing.  But Madeline's energy did sometimes make the quieter moments a little difficult.  Happily, there was a fish pond decorated with globe lights in the venue.  "Fishies and moon!" kept us going.

As did dancing!

Most of Madeline's moves were too frenetic for the camera, flash or not.  Circles formed around her on the dance floor as she swayed, bobbed, and clapped.  But we did capture one of her favorite moves -- grabbing Summer's leg and mine as she shimmied and shook!

At some point in the evening, someone fed the Flowerfield swans, much to Madeline's delight (and the other children's too).

Today we drove east through North Fork wine country to Orient Point and, after a stint on standby, we caught the three o'clock ferry to New London.  This time, Madeline spent most of the time visiting the various doggies on board.  A black lab named Bruce was a particular favorite.  New London to Providence to Cranston, and now we're home again for a long haul.

1 comment:

  1. A true "ball" for her! And us as well; wonderful pictures. I love the one with the book and the one with the flowers. New party shoes too. What a fun day. In New London is the seafood place, near the ferry, called Capt. Dave's. It is not always open, especially this time of year. Check it out...the best chowder and lobster rolls...ever. Welcome Home. xoxo N
