Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Snow romping in the new year

Yesterday Madeline joined me for a brief stint at work.  She liked my office.

And she got some work done too.

Back at home, Madeline made a beeline for our snow shovel -- she wanted to help.

And she wanted to play with Petey -- she'd missed him on our travels.

After a nap, Madeline played with her new toy sandwiches.

Today was not just the start of a new year but also a holiday, and there was still lots of snow for Madeline to play with.  So we squeezed her into this perhaps too-small snowsuit along with her tiger hat and reindeer gloves.  She was excited!

There was much playing in the snow.

Sometimes, Madeline was serious.

Other times, she was giddy.

And together, we made a weird little snow-reindeer.

Inside afterward, we had hot chocolate and leftover pizza.

Madeline continues to be quite the little character.  We had pork tenderloin for dinner, which she first transmuted into "tender lion" and then: "I like eating sea lion!"  And one of her favorite things to do now is talking in a deep voice while making this face:

She truly is a silly kiddo.

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