Saturday, January 12, 2013

On the mend

So it turns out that Summer got some good pictures on Thursday.  You can see Madeline was on the mend.

But she still had a fever, so we kept her home Friday too.  Friday she had a normal temperature and energy level (albeit with a bit more fussiness than usual) -- she's doing much better.

So today we went on adventures!  It was the first day of our second annual seal-counting, and our two-year tally still stands at zero.  Madeline didn't mind, though.

We also ran some errands, made it home for naptime (which Summer and I used to patch grout in our downstairs bathroom), and then went on an Ikea excursion.  Madeline helped plan our visit.

By the time we got home, it was very late and Madeline was very sleepy.  Tomorrow will, we hope, be a quieter day (though I might have to spend some time in the office to make up for Madeline's weekday care).

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