Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Home sick

The last two days were uneventful and featured no pictures.

Today, however, Madeline woke up sniffly and coughing.  She didn't have a fever and seemed happy enough so we brought her in, but she didn't even make it an hour at daycare before her temperature had risen and her mood dropped.  So I picked her up and brought her home.

Poor little kiddo.

She didn't really want to do anything but remain physically attached to me.  So we spent the day cuddling on the couch and watching Dinosaur Train episodes.

Her temperature was still high at bedtime, so tomorrow she'll likely be home with Summer.


  1. See my text...Hope she feels better quickly.

  2. Oh, dear ... she looks like she feels just awful. Hope things improve quickly and that this "nasty" doesn't hang around too long. Take care of yourselves as well. Wish I could bring you some homemade chicken soup...I finally learned how to make it just before we moved here. Love and Good Wishes from Us...xo N
