Monday, January 21, 2013

Second-Christmas weekend

Saturday, Grandma Susy and Grandpa John and Uncle Alex came to visit!  They brought second-Christmas presents for an appreciative Madeline, who loves playing with her new house ...

... and with Horton the elephant.

Yesterday, we continued playing with Horton and the house.

Then we walked to the playground, where Grandma and Madeline went for a swing!

The troops marched across the playground ...

... for a snack break.  Clementines, mmm.

It was a fun day.

Today, Madeline was ready for more fun.

Sock-hands Madeline and Grandpa watched through the windows as Grandma and I mounted bird feeders.

The morning went by quickly, and before long it was time for the Greene grandparents to return to Delaware ahead of the snow (falling as I type).  They gave Madeline a big kiss ...

... and then my camera battery died.  Alas.  It was a fun weekend, with plenty of laughing and singing and general merriment.

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