Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friends, farms, fun

Yesterday, Madeline's daycare was closed.  She and I stayed home, and Ilan and David planned to come over too.  Madeline was excited for her friends' visit.

She bided time by petting Petey.

Soon enough, her friends came over.  They played upstairs and downstairs and chased Petey and ran around shrieking happily.  Tamar had made bread dough, so the little ones got to poke, prod, and shape it; we baked it; and they ate the results and sipped juice boxes.

Then everyone was sleepy and dispersed for naps.

When Madeline woke up, she was full of energy again. 

This morning, Summer kicked things off by making French toast.  Then we visited a bookstore to use the gift certificate Lena and family had given her for her birthday.  We picked out some special books, including one about a farm.  This was especially relevant ...

... because our next stop was a farm!  Last time we visited the home of Pat's Pastured, the farm was on Conimicut Island.  Since then, Pat beat out competitors to lease the historic, land-trust-owned Boesch Farm in East Greenwich.

Today, the farm store was open and the chickens and sheep were out enjoying the sun.

Madeline said, "Look, mommy!  Look at the sheep!  Look, daddy!  Look at the sheep!  Are you looking?"

She really likes sheep.

After visiting the farm and getting a bite to eat, we stopped by the Save the Bay Center to look for seals.

Our grand total for our assigned location still stands at zero.

But we had fun anyway.

While Madeline napped, we did some cleaning and our taxes.  Then this evening, one of Madeline's teachers from daycare came over to watch her so we could visit my favorite restaurant and then see our friend's band in a rare pre-10-pm performance.  What a busy Saturday!

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