Sunday, March 24, 2013


Summer and I have spent our last few days still not entirely well.  Yesterday, I got up early with Madeline while Summer slept in a little, then I ended up asleep on the futon in the afternoon.  Today, Summer got up early with Madeline while I slept in a lot, then Summer ended up asleep on the futon.

For her part, Madeline has been full of energy.

Here she is on Friday night, showing off the bus I brought her back from New York.  She's been taking it to bed most nights -- adorable.

Despite our exhaustion, Summer and I have been out and about -- at least a bit.  Yesterday while Summer got some work done in lab, Madeline and I braved a quite cold Brown Street playground.

Then when Summer had finished, we went to look for seals.

There weren't any this week, either.

On the way home from seal-counting, we stopped at our branch library.  We read some books, and Madeline picked two to check out -- a first!

She's been very excited about her library experience.  This makes us happy.

Madeline woke me up from my futon-sleep yesterday by planting a cracker on my head.

Then she sang an appropriate song:

This morning, Madeline and Petey watched a squirrel clean up some seeds I'd spilled refilling our sunflower bird feeder.

And, speaking of seeds, Madeline showed off the grass she's been growing -- she planted the seeds in this little planter and has been excited to check on it multiple times every day and watch the green shoots spring up.

Later, she put on her tiger hat and mittens and prowled around the house.

There's no doubt more to come today, but I've been a little too tired to post the last few evenings, so I figured I'd take advantage of Madeline's naptime today to let you all know what's new.  There you go!

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