Saturday, March 16, 2013

Mid-March (with three videos!)

Three nights ago, Madeline made ball soup, one of her favorite dishes to cook.

Later, we did a dramatic reading before bed.

Two days ago was Madeline's 25-month birthday!  We weren't sure about doing chair pictures now that she's over two, but then we figured why not?

Madeline obliged.

And she cuddled up with Summer to read books on the futon.

Last night friend Taylor visited, but we didn't get any pictures.  When we told Madeline he'd be stopping by, she said, "I love her -- Taylor."  Lucky Taylor!

Today we ran errands in the morning, and I spent Madeline's nap catching up on yardwork.  It seemed like we were away from home most fall weekends, then it rained or snowed or we were away from home every weekend this winter.  The result: lots to do outside.

When Madeline woke up, she came out to help.

She took a break to show Summer her house in the cedar hedge, then resumed helping.

Back inside, Madeline wanted to show off her gymnastics ribbon, awarded for her first place finish in the prestigious category of "Quietest Listener."

We ate an early dinner out and got zeppole to go.

Madeline loved hers.

In fact, she was crazy for it (WARNING: turn down your volume before viewing the following!):

Quietest listener indeed.

Final note:

We've realized we failed to share the results of Madeline's two-year checkup.  She's fit as a fiddle, 35 1/4" tall (82nd percentile), and 26 pounds (40th percentile) -- tall and skinny.  She had to get a thumb prick for a lead test (all clear) and didn't even flinch, let alone cry.

As a reward for your patience in awaiting these data, here's a final video of Madeline enjoying that "one more cupcake" she had after her party on February 24th:

1 comment:

  1. What a treat to find all this this morning! I love the tongue as she concentrates on her soup! I am now going to Google zeppole. I, too, have an exercise ball that at one time was my computer chair (and will be again).
    Happy St. Patrick's Day and Love to All...N
