Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ups and downs

This week has had its ups and downs. Madeline seemed on the verge of an ear infection and spent a fair amount of her week grumpy. On Tuesday it was, "My head's breaking a little bit. I have a headache. I'm ok." On Wednesday it was, "My ear hurts." Everyone's sleep suffered for Madeline's frequent wakeups.  But today the ear pain and grumpiness were just about gone: "Does your ear hurt, Maddie?" "No." "It's ok?" "It's ok. My ear doesn't hurt."

Even during the head-breaking, headache-y, ear-hurty parts of the week, there were plenty of happy times.  Like this one, where Summer is showing Madeline the seeds we got in the mail for this summer's vegetable garden (a minute later, Madeline had a tantrum because we wouldn't open and plant the seeds RIGHT NOW):

And this one, where Summer and Madeline are just generally silly:

Best of all, it's almost the weekend, and Saturday's supposed to be in the 50s and sunny -- perfect!

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