Sunday, May 19, 2013

Plants & play date

This weekend has been busy.  Saturday morning we finally tried Mesa Cafe, which is a short walk from our house.  It turns out they produce quite the excellent breakfast.

From there, we went to Southside Community Land Trust's annual plant sale.

The plant sale takes place at the land trust's City Farm, which houses a chicken coop.  Madeline was transfixed.

We wound up purchasing many plants.

I spent the rest of the day with the Corolla at a repair shop, but I hear Madeline had a fine time at home with Summer.

This morning, Ilan came over.

Tamar had proposed making giant bubbles ...

... so we did.

Madeline and Ilan also spent some time spilling and re-collecting pebbles.

They moved on from pebbles to azalea blossoms.

And they generally had a grand time.

After Ilan left and Madeline napped, we did a whole bunch of planting -- a mix of seeds purchased from Scratch Farm that we started, plants purchased from the URI East Farm Spring Festival last weekend, and plants we'd just purchased from Southside Community Land Trust's plant sale.

Hopefully we'll end up with lots of tomatoes and peppers -- we'll see.  This is our first foray into in-ground food growing, and it remains to be seen how hospitable our chosen garden locale will be.

The herbs in planters, on the other hand, should grow just fine.

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