Saturday, May 25, 2013

Quite a character & Harvard Museum

Madeline has been quite a character lately.  One night she served me "butterfly soup" and "pasta with spicy cherry sauce."  She has named some of her "friends" -- her baby doll is now Sophie, and a red, heart-covered bear is Bubby Bear.  (And, of course, there's still Cheese.)  Some mornings she wakes up and sings to herself in her crib.  Some evenings before pajama time she sings in her room.

Tonight while she was singing, she was also trying to watch herself on the little screen on the camera at the same time.  And sometimes -- Tuesday, for example -- she pretends Petey is a baby.

Wednesday, Madeline, Bubby Bear, and I read a book about Japanese lucky cats that came with a Japanese lucky cat.

Thursday, Madeline wore a new sun hat to school!

Today, after promising Madeline we'd go to a dinosaur museum, we finally paid a visit to the Harvard Museum of Natural History.

There are dinosaurs there, like this Triceratops horridus!  (Or, as Madeline says, "'ceratops!")

Madeline liked the dinosaurs.

Here she is with a Corythosaurus casuarius skull ...

... and here with an ancient turtle shell!

Madeline enjoyed a hammerhead shark model hanging from the ceiling here:

But she was perhaps most impressed with the Great Mammal Hall, where whale skeletons hang from the ceiling over two tiers of stuffed mammals (and birds too).

When we finally made it across Harvard's campus and back to the car, Madeline was asleep in about five seconds.

After dinner tonight, we went out for another special treat -- frozen yogurt!

Madeline intently devoured her cake-flavored yogurt with cherries, raspberries, and sprinkles, pausing occasionally for a smile.

As Madeline said afterward, "Yum."

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