Sunday, May 5, 2013

A tiger, Grandma Mandy, and a visit to Albany

Thursday, Madeline was a tiger.

(Wednesday evening, we'd thought Thursday was costume day, so I prepared a tiger costume.  Later Wednesday evening, we discovered Thursday was "Dress Like the 80s Day" for the toddlers and costume day for the preschoolers.

Madeline wore her tiger costume anyway.)


She also wore a side ponytail to honor the 80s.

Thursday after work and school, we went to the airport.  We watched the down escalators for Grandma Mandy.

And she came!

Friday was pretty laid back.

Saturday, however, we shipped off to Albany.  Madeline checked out the amenities at our hotel.

And she placed a few calls on a bar of soap.

We were there to visit Nathan, Brenna, and baby Victor!  Nathan had made a cake, and Brenna helped Madeline decorate it.

Madeline liked decorating the cake.

She also liked playing with her second cousin baby Victor.

This morning, we reconvened with Nathan, Brenna, and Victor.

After brunch, we visited Albany's Washington Park, richly planted with tulips in anticipation of next weekend's Tulip Festival.

Nathan and Brenna ran into some friends, one of whom took a nice group shot.

Then Madeline played with Victor ...

... and with dandelions.


We said our farewells and soon enough found ourselves back in Rhode Island.

1 comment:

  1. Mandy - Got your card - thank you! I teared right up when I saw the picture of you holding little Vic. How wonderful to finally have him in your arms! Hope you are having a fabulous time. Rebecca and I will toast you on Sunday!
