Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring in earnest

Earlier this week, while I grilled dinner, Madeline admired the grape hyacinths that have sprung up in our backyard.

Another day ...

... Madeline made silly faces for the camera!

Yesterday, Madeline conked out on the couch at 11:30 am for an early nap.  Petey joined her.

Then in the warm afternoon, Summer and I went to lie outside in the sun while Madeline gathered dandelions.  Madeline declared that we should go out front and look at our tulips.  She took a dandelion with her and wondered whether it was edible.

We had fun.

I wasn't feeling well, however, so we went out for pho to help clear my sinuses.

Although Madeline appears to be biting off her own fingers in this picture ...

... she actually loved her dinner of bean sprouts, rice noodles, and beef.  We boxed some up for leftovers, and Madeline was excited by the little paper container with its wire handle.  She wanted to carry it, and we said yes.  Then she wanted to open it, and we said no -- but she could help us put it in the fridge when we got home.  So she made up a song to sing on the drive home: "Dooon't open it!  Put it in the fridge!"

Today, after a morning of seeing to domestic demands (grocery store, cleaning, etc.), we went for an afternoon outing to Tiverton and Little Compton.  We started with an early dinner at Evelyn's (this was nowhere near Madeline's first time).

Madeline showed off some serious chowder-eating prowess that we had no idea she possessed.

Then we went to Little Compton to check out the relatively new Dundery Brook Trail (also called the Bumble Bee Preserve, which I prefer).  For her part, Madeline preferred the playground we spied on arriving at the elementary school whose grounds host the trailhead.  By the time she was ready to embark on our walk, she was also thirsty.  So we didn't get too far -- this time.  Something tells me we'll be heading back to Little Compton again this summer.

For instance, the area hosts attractions like Gray's Ice Cream, which we visited on the way home.  Madeline again asked for cherry ice cream; neither Summer nor I can figure out the origin of this flavor preference.

However Madeline decided cherry is the flavor for her, she sure does like it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a destination for June?! Hope you are feeling better. Great pictures .. as always. xo N
