Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sick day, zoo, and Buttonwood Farm

Friday, Madeline stayed home sick.  She had a fever and was a little quicker than usual to become grumpy, but otherwise was her usual spirited self.  Summer stayed home with her, and they played with play-doh.

When I came home, we made a blanket fort.

Yesterday, she seemed improved in the morning, she wanted to go to the zoo, and we're members, so we figured why not?

At the zoo, Madeline was most interested in the elephants (we saw Alice get a bath), but we also took a few minutes to admire the red pandas.

By the end of the trip, though, we realized Madeline was feeling sick again.  Sure enough, by the time we got home, her fever had reemerged.

So we stayed home for the rest of the day, cleaned up the house, and did some yard work.

Today, Madeline was back to usual.

We went to Buttonwood Farm to meet up with Lauren, Dan, and their canine child Maggie.  Madeline was excited to play with Maggie.

And she was excited for delicious ice cream.

And she was excited to see pigs ...

... and cows.

At home, Madeline pretended to be pregnant.

And she helped me grill turkey burgers for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. One wonders whether Madeline is imitating mommy in that pretending to be pregnant photo ;-). Glad she's on the mend.
