Sunday, April 7, 2013

Museum of Science

Today, we went on a special trip to the Museum of Science in Boston.

We visited the butterfly garden and admired its many residents, especially the blue morphos and Atlas moth.

Then came the dinosaurs!

Madeline was awed by the to-scale Tyrannosaurus rex, and when I asked Madeline what the beast in this picture is --

-- she immediately, and correctly, said, "Triceratops!"  Indeed, it's apparently "one of only four nearly complete Triceratops on public display anywhere in the world" -- an actual fossil, not a cast.  (It's real, and it's spectacular!)

The dinosaur exhibit has lots of other fun stuff ...

... like this cast of a Eubrontes track, which likely belonged to a dinosaur like Dilophosaurus (whose skull is on the shirt I wore today!).

The rest of the museum has lots of other fun stuff, too!

Like this crazy, giant microscope.

And these cute, freshly hatched baby chicks.

And this optical illusion and jet engine.

All in all, we had a great visit.  And we topped it off with mussels for dinner -- yum!


  1. I remember a little boy who knew, and could say, the names of all the dinosaurs when he was just a bit older than Madeline. I think she really liked that museum!

  2. oh my, you three are much braver than i!! wouldn't be caught dead walking into a room full or butterflies (or months)!! my one (very) irrational phobia!!

  3. Did you ever download Dino Digger for her on your iPad?

    Minneapolis has one of the other four fully articulated, nearly complete triceratops specimens on display. We should meet in Wyoming when the kids get bigger and go on a dino dig like I did in high school - such wicked fun!
