Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Sunday, I was feeling better.  We had a play date with Ilan in the morning, and brunch too (no pictures, though, sadly).  Then Madeline napped, and when she woke up we planned the week's meals together.  Her contribution to meal-planning was erasing anything I wrote on the chalk board.

We also got chair pictures now that Madeline's 26 months old!

Monday, Madeline was happy.

Yesterday and today, she was happy too.  This morning in bed, Summer and I heard Madeline roaring in the other room: "Raaaawr!  RAAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!!"  When Summer hustled in to see what was up, Madeline announced, "I'm a tiger!"  She's also been treating us to an increasing repertoire of songs on our car rides, most recently adding "Down by the Bay" and "Down by the Station."

Also, our turtle died.  Madeline doesn't seem to have noticed that there's now an empty spot where his enclosure once sat.  Rest in peace, Monroe.

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