Saturday, April 6, 2013

Crazy week

This week was a little crazy.  I had to work two evenings and had to attend a 9 AM meeting in southern Rhode Island one day (after dropping off Madeline and Summer in Providence), so there's not much more for me to say than that.  We have one weekday picture for you, from Monday, as Madeline and Summer dressed up our Easter eggs with bug-related stickers.

Then weekend arrived.  This morning, we opened a gift of baby doll clothes and a blanket from Nanny.  Madeline enjoyed playing with them, and she repeatedly tucked her baby in with the blanket.

In fact, baby is tucked in with her blanket next to me right at this very minute.

Next, we had brunch at Olga's.  Afterward, we figured it was well past time to visit the Providence Children's Museum (which is a very easy walk from Olga's).  Madeline loved it, and we felt silly for waiting so long to go.  She played in the water room:

And she enjoyed a trip through Rhode Island history, with stops at an early English settler girl's house, a Quebecois boy's mill-family house, a sailing ship, and this 1960s Dominican grocery store:

After the museum, we went to look for seals.

There still aren't any.  But we have fun anyway.

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