*** Last night Blogger was down, so I couldn't post. I composed the following in notepad and am backdating it to May 12, 2011 at 11:50 PM. ***
I can't be sure exactly what happened today -- I was at work and then at a shindig -- but Summer provided some notes and pictures. Like a great detective, I will try to piece together Summer and Madeline's day.
Summer: We read books. We played with the toys.
Summer: She took three naps in the swing.
Summer: She was pretty happy most of the day.
Here it seems Madeline was indeed playing with the toys.

Here, though, she seems to be neglecting her toys in favor of pulling up her outfit -- her new favorite game.

Perhaps pulling up her outfit made her happy most of the day?
Or perhaps it was the three naps that led to her happiness? In the end, there's insufficient evidence for me to say.
Summer: We went into the yard, and Nory spied on us.
This seems to depict going into the yard; there are other pictures of Nory managing to spy both adorably and menacingly, but because this is primarily a baby blog and our photo count is already nearing 400 I've elected not to include them.

Summer: I combed her hair, and it went back into a mohawk.
Take a look back at the first picture: Madeline's babyhawk indeed makes a cameo appearance!
Summer: I did laundry. She helped.
Summer: Petey seemed to want to be close to her occasionally, which was different.
Indeed, Summer did lots of laundry -- I came home to clean sheets and much more overall neatness than there was when I left this morning. I have my doubts as to how much Madeline helped. As for Petey, I suspect he actually wanted to be near the piles of warm laundry fresh from the drier, and Madeline just happened to be there too. The evidence, though, is inconclusive.
All I can say for certain is that I came home, Madeline smiled at me, we played games like change-the-diaper and make-funny-faces, and she got to wear my nametag from the shindig. After that and dinner, Summer and Madeline retired to bed.
I held out for Blogger to come back to life, but eventually lost steam and instead slept.
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