Well. After yesterday's grumpiness (and resultantly succinct post), we welcomed today's smiles and fun! Even the hard parts weren't too too hard. For example, we're trying to implement structured nap times now. It's early yet (today was the first day) but Madeline hasn't completely taken to them. Sure, nap rejection involved some yelling, but a lot of it looked like this:

And also like this (notice the costume change due to blowout and the bib due to copious amounts of drool):

When attempted nap time was over, Madeline and I played! She seemed interested in the stacker toy ...

... but perhaps a bit confused when I stacked the plastic donuts on her arm instead.

She also enjoyed grabbing at parts of my head, which I offered as a toy.

And she's been noticing that Petey is soft and furry (and Petey, to his great credit, has been obliging her in this discovery). She smiled a few times while petting him (and grabbing his fur); I couldn't catch one of her smiles but this should give you an idea:

Today was warm and sunny again so we made sure to get out for a walk.

Before we could even get past the yard, we noticed a giant patch of blooming clover. Madeline looked suspicious for some reason.

We ended up at Seven Stars bakery, where Madeline napped among the roses as we enjoyed pastries and beverages.

Madeline saved the best for last. She seemed to have more fun than she's ever had before, just bursting with giant smiles (and equally giant splashes) during her bath.

And after her bath, she calmly accepted bedtime. She even got herself back to sleep after waking up at one point. Let's hope it's the start of a trend!
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