Wednesday, October 5, 2011

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Here are some tidbits about today:

Last night, Madeline had her best night's sleep in a long time -- she slept from 7:45-12:00 and 12:15-5:00 (and then 5:15 to 6:45 or so).

Also last night I made applesauce from the apples we picked over the weekend, put some through a strainer for her, and took a small container in to daycare for her this morning. Apparently she loved it!

The rest of her day at daycare was good, too.

This evening we left her with Kristin and went out for a nice dinner (after a stop at the library). They had fun together and read lots of books. When we came home, we played for a bit and then Madeline dropped off to sleep in no time.

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