Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Eve

This morning we braved the snow and slush and met friend Julia at the Modern Diner before swim class.  Madeline had too much energy to tolerate being cooped up, but happily 9am seems to be baby hour at the diner, so we didn't feel too out of place with our wriggly, talkative child.

Summer took charge of today's swim class to prep for next week's hours of sunny beach and poolside time.

"Kicking on our backs is so much fun!"

Even after swimming, Madeline was still full of energy.

But she was also tired, and she didn't want to nap in her crib.  So we took a trip to Seekonk and she napped in the car for two hours as we hung out in a parking lot and listened to NPR.

Back at home after running errands, we got ready to carve pumpkins.  Summer put on some Halloween-themed music, and Madeline danced and danced.

When the carving actually commenced, she was more interested in her toothbrush.

My pumpkin was done in time for dinner and before Madeline went to bed, but Summer couldn't start her pumpkin until later.  I was pleased to get applause from Madeline when she saw my glowing jack-o-lantern in the dark dining room.  And Summer will certainly get the same when Madeline sees her handiwork tomorrow!  (After all, we did both have her in mind ...)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! Love the Jack O lanterns.
