Thursday, October 27, 2011

Party, donut, cards, shoes, kitty, clapping

Today was Madeline's Halloween party at daycare!  Even as a terrifying-stomping-thrashing-roaring dinosaur, she still found the party's hustle and bustle quite overwhelming.

 But she did get to try her first donut.  As I said to Summer, now she's a true Rhode Islander.

Back at home, she had Halloween cards waiting.

And after we'd opened the mail, a package came: her first pair of shoes!

Madeline wasn't sure about the shoes at first, but she quickly began to appreciate them.

I suspect she'll be taking full advantage of them pretty soon, the better to chase Petey.

Speaking of Petey, Madeline's really getting the hang of the word "kitty."  This morning she said "kitty" even though I couldn't see one around.  But when I followed her gaze into the closet, there was Nory perched on our laundry hamper.  And this evening Summer was reading a book that had a picture of a cat; when she saw the picture, Madeline exclaimed, "kitty!"

Another recent development is that she's figured out clapping, and she does it when she's happy.  She seemed especially to enjoy when Summer and I joined in to form a clapping chorus.  *Clap clap clap!*

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