Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Today was Madeline's one-year checkup.  Her measurements -- 29.5 inches long, 20 pounds 6 ounces, and an 18-inch head circumference, all place her right at the 50th percentile.  (You might note, also, that they've been added to the "milestones" menu to the right.  We plan not only to resurrect but also to back-fill the menu.)  She was given a stamp of approval and a series of vaccinations, and then sent on her way.

As we were in East Providence and it was dinnertime (or dinnertime-ish) already thanks to an afternoon appointment, we ate at Gregg's.  Madeline enjoys their pickles and rolls.

Back at home, Madeline had some time to play before bed.  She's fascinated by her new Bitty Baby doll's eyelashes.

Then she had a bath from which she emerged in an inquisitive state.  High on her mind, no doubt, was the question why she was draped in a duckling.

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