Monday, February 20, 2012

On the road

This morning we took our leave of Neal, Anna, and State College, and we spent the day on the road.  Madeline enjoyed a random rest stop in Pennsylvania where we got crackers from a vending machine.

She enjoyed chasing me across the parking lot even more.

Look at that picture again.  Oops!  We forgot Madeline's diaper bag.  Thankfully a nice man came and knocked on our car window to let us know.  Thank you, nice man!

Madeline spent the drive alternating among several activities: sleeping, playing with toys, sitting quietly, sitting loudly, and reading (pictured).

In Connecticut we stopped at a weird hybrid Dunkin Donuts/Subway.  Madeline had a bit of donut and a lot of happy.

We made it home with enough time to allow Madeline some quality toy-playing and cat-torturing before bed.  Good times.

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