Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fun and games and tongues

According to Blogger, this site has an even 20,000 page views.  Madeline must have quite a fan base!

In any event, this morning we had our usual happy, peaceful breakfast.  Madeline brought a book with her:

At daycare this afternoon, we learned that Madeline loves the indoor slide.  She climbs up the stairs and slides down headfirst.  We even watched her do it -- and wondered aloud how we produced such an adventuresome child.

At dinner, Madeline was enthralled with her tongue (probably because she's been using it to soothe her teething-afflicted gums).

I reciprocated, and she pointed to my tongue and to her own.

That game was followed by a rousing round of peek-a-boo.  Fun!

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