Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

We kicked off Fathers Day with a visit to Olga's for brunch.

Madeline was enthralled with her cup.

And she tried to entice the birds with a mum mum (but they didn't bite).

When the food was gone, we remained in the garden for a bit and read "Dear Zoo."

Then we went to the zoo!  Madeline admired the giraffes (and said something approximating "giraffe").

The cutest sight of the day was the baby giant anteater riding on its mother's back.  Look closely at this picture and you can just make the two of them out.

We thought Madeline really liked the wallaby, but it turned out she was more interested in a robin in the wallaby's enclosure.

Madeline and Uncle left the Australasia section hand-in-hand.

Then we stopped for a snack.

Madeline loves her Del's!  She's a real Rhode Islander.

And she was really excited by the camels!

Her energy began to boil over, and she escaped Uncle at a run.

But they ended up together again.

After another snack, we left the zoo.  At home, Madeline worked on a project.

Then came a taco dinner, bath, and bedtime.  Good night!

P.S. Apparently this is the 500th post on this blog.  Hard to believe...

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