Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool this afternoon & visitors this evening

This afternoon we set up Madeline's pool in the yard.

She had fun splashing about ...

... and, even when she was out of the pool, being squirted with her toys.

After her pool time came a bath; then she and Summer took turns combing each other's hair.

We took a break for mum-mums.

As we game-planned, Madeline did some coloring.  Then she found this picture from our zoo trip a week ago.  She pointed to Uncle.

She's been asking after Uncle quite a bit today: "Matt? Matt? Matt?"  Alas, he's back in Oregon.

This evening we had a visit from Wisconsin-based friends Mel, Chad, and Aidan.  Madeline and Aidan romped around like the wild little children they are, while the rest of us caught up over sushi and Portuguese wine.  Tomorrow, though, it'll be back to some semblance of routine.

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