Saturday, June 9, 2012

String cheese

Today Madeline discovered string cheese.  We got it at the grocery store nearest the house we'll hopefully be buying on Monday.  She ate three sticks of it, happily announcing "cheese!" between bites.

String cheese was just an appetizer to a fine lunch of crackers and hummus.

After lunch, Madeline and I walked to our little, secluded park overlooking the Blackstone River.

Madeline loves the bench.

Every time she climbed down to check something out (passing dogs especially) ...

... she'd climb back up again right away.

After continuing down to Wayland Square, we returned home again.  Madeline paraded around the yard with a mostly-empty bottle of tonic water.

Then this evening she showed off one of her newest tricks -- putting the tennis ball in the bike's water-bottle holder -- and applauded for herself.

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