Saturday, June 23, 2012

Uncle's last day: Rhode Island landmarks

This morning Madeline was obsessed with this bead-and-wire toy.  She carried it around the apartment with her.

For Uncle's last day, we broke our fast at Modern Diner, a Rhode Island landmark.  Alas, we forgot the camera.  But we remembered the camera when (after a jaunt to Ocean Drive in Newport) we visited another Rhode Island landmark: the grave of horror writer and Providence native H. P. Lovecraft.

Madeline tried to steal some of the trinkets Lovecraft's admirers have left at the grave (a penny, a bell), but we made her put them back.

The day was another hot one, so we took a break before walking home.

By then it was time for Uncle to begin his long journey back to Portland.  Madeline waited by the car ...

... for the necessary posed shots.

But her patience is not unlimited.

She gave Uncle a hug!

... and flashed a broad smile -- she and Uncle had a great time together this visit.

But alas, soon enough we were at the airport (pausing to say hi to long lost cousin Theodore Francis Green) ...

... and Uncle was on his way.

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