Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy birthday, David!

This morning we realized we were out of pretty much anything that could make up a decent breakfast.  So we stopped off for something to eat on the way to the grocery store.  Madeline admired the cows on her milk box and said, "Moo!"

Madeline insisted on wearing her hat all day -- even when she took her nap.  While she napped, Summer and I did yardwork.  Afterward, Madeline made a birthday card for her daycare friend David.

Card-making is serious business!

Madeline had a blast at David's party with Ilan (another school friend) and some other little ones.  First she and Ilan paraded around the yard shouting gleefully.  Then all the little ones made the inside into a whirlwind of toys and balloons.  Eventually the party began to slow down, signs of sleepiness began to show themselves, and it was home and to bed for Madeline.  Petey attended Madeline through her bedtime, and Madeline informed us, "Petey's talkin'!"  "What's Petey saying?," we asked.  "Happy birthday, David!"

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