Monday, November 12, 2012

Three-day weekend with lots of playing!

Saturday morning, Madeline went to the Humboldt Avenue playground.  She spent most of her time digging in the sandbox but finished up on her favorite piece of equipment -- the swing set.

We went to the grocery store, and Madeline helped!  She carried a jar of olives through the store and a two-pack of paper towel rolls into the house.

Later Saturday afternoon, Madeline's great uncle David and friend Sally stopped by for a pleasant visit on their way to Connecticut.  We finished off the evening by running out to get sundries -- a sweater for me, socks for Summer, warm pajamas for Madeline, and an impulse buy of an elephant stool -- and dining on delicious Mexican food.

Sunday, Madeline bonded with friends.  In the morning it was Petey ...

... and her stuffed owl (which she's named "Daddy").

Then it was school friends Ilan ...

... and David.

We all met up at Roger Williams Park and enjoyed the park's giant playground (our first visit there) -- fun!  The playground was apparently sponsored by Rhode Island company Hasbro, hence this giant Mr. Potato Head.

In the afternoon, Madeline put on a far more impressive athletic performance than our sad-sack Philadelphia Eagles.  She really likes to climb on top of her new elephant stool!

Today, Summer had to work.  Madeline and I spent the morning first at the Humboldt playground (Madeline played house and used the toy kitchen to make "leaf tacos") and then at Blackstone park, where we admired the Seekonk River (as Madeline called it, "Ocean!").

We also met lots of dogs -- why, it looks like some dogs are coming!

The rest of the day was dominated by a monster nap, followed by a return trip to Providence to pick up Summer, pizza for dinner, and finally a delayed bedtime so Madeline could say hi to visiting friends Sara and Jesse!

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